The mission of the Charlotte Davis Burns Science Resource Center

is to support and enrich the science program in Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D

so our students will achieve the goal of scientific literacy.


The Charlotte Burns Science Resource Center provides support throughout

the district and at all grade levels with:

  • 3rd Grade Nature Trails -every 3rd grader has the opportunity to visit the nature trails to learn about simple machines and participate in environmental activities. Each group will have hands on activities with inclined planes, levers, pulleys and wheel and axle, and then also learn to use the compass and to navigate through 6 stations.
  • 5th Grade Nature Trailsevery 5th grader has the opportunity to visit the nature trails to participate in a variety of environmental activities.

Volunteers are needed to help facilitate the activities. Details on training dates will be sent by your child’s 3rd & 5th grade science Teachers and will also be available on our calendar as soon as we have them.

  • Special demonstrations -to nurture curiosity as well stimulate interest and motivation in learning. Parents are trained on specific demonstrations at the SRC and bring those demonstration to the Postma students. The students love seeing these demos throughout the school year. There are different demo presented to each grade level. If you are interested in learning how you can help with these demos for your child's grade level or all Postma students, please send us an email at

Check out our 21-22 demos

Check out our 22-23 demos

Check out our 24-25 demos





The Science Resource Center is always looking for extra volunteers and donations.

For more information visit their website page: Charlotte Davis Burns Science Resource Center

Upcoming Events

Full Calendar


 Business Sponsorships for the 24-25 school year are now available.  

Thank you so much to our sponsors for the 24-25 school year. We appreciate your support.


 If you are interested in information on becoming a sponsor, please e-mail




No donation is too small,

click here to donate